Pre-loved Uniform Shop
We are excited to announce the that Townlands C of E primary Academy is opening a
Pre-loved Uniform Shop
Our aim is to give our families the opportunity to purchase items of school uniform greatly reduced compared to retail prices. It will also support us to help the environment by providing an eco-friendly way of discarding items of uniform which are still in good condition and helping to reduce our carbon footprint.
The shop is open to all families with children who attend our school.
All funds raised from the Pre-loved Uniform Shop will be used towards enhancing the curriculum experiences that we can offer the children.
Townlands navy logo jumper or cardigan £2.00
Townlands navy logo fleece £2.00
Black trousers / black shorts / black skirt / black pinafore £1.00
White shirt / white blouse £0.50
Uniform Tie £0.50
Navy tracksuit trousers £1.00
Navy shorts / navy skirt £0.50
White P.E. t-shirt £0.50
Black school shoes £1.00
Black pumps for indoor P.E. £0.50
Townlands logo bookbag £1.00
Townlands logo reversible coat £2.00
Outdoor coat £2.00
Although we will have a range of sizes, we rely on donations of clothing so we cannot guarantee that we will always have every item in every size. Items are marked according to the size on the label; please be mindful that sizing can vary between brands.
All items will be sold on a first-come, first-served basis.
Uniform Donations
To help this service to be successful, we will gratefully receive donations of items of uniform which are in good condition, including book bags, P.E. kit, lightweight coats and warm coats. All donations can be handed to the school office.