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Applying for a school place

Below you will also find key information about applying for a school place.
Applying for a school place

Stage 1: Researching primary schools as prospective parents

This first stage is all about research - visiting Primary schools to see if they feel right for you, your family and your personal circumstances. 
We offer face-to-face open mornings, afternoon and early evening sessions during the autumn term. A member of staff gives a tour of the school and they will happily answer any questions.

Stage 2: Applying to Leicestershire County Council for an EYFS place
Admissions applications for Townlands C of E Primary School must be submitted to Leicestershire County Council, who arrange our new EYFS intake. Their process usually goes live on 1st September and closes on 15th January. Please refer to Leicestershire County Council website for information  Apply for a primary or junior school / Leicestershire County Council

Once you have submitted your application, you may find the period until National Offer Day (16th April or next working day) a little quiet, given the previous activity of visiting primary schools, making your decision then submitting your application.

Stage 3: Accepting the offer of an EYFS place from Leicestershire County Council
Offers of school places will be made on National Offer Day (16th April or next working day). They will be sent either by email (make sure you can access your email) or, if you made a paper application and didn't supply an email address, by post on 16th April to your home address (please allow for a postal delay - School Admissions will not confirm offers by phone).
When you receive your offer, you must accept or refuse the school place by 3rd May. Failure to do so may result in the school place being withdrawn (more details will be included with your offer).
Late applications: Applications received after 15th January will be processed in a second round of admissions (after 3rd May). Be prepared that your preferred school may remain full following the first round of admissions so your offer of a school place may reflect this.

Stage 4: Joining Townlands
Schools will contact their new families later in the summer term (June/July), once Leicestershire County Council has processed late applications and appeals, and confirmed the final allocation.
At Townlands, we will contact our new families to offer visits to our EYFS. Our aim is to help you to understand our routines, introduce our curriculum, give advice on our uniform and how you can help your child to adjust over the summer.

Welcome to EYFS and welcome to the Townlands School Community.
